Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fall Semester Over

Well, the fall semester finally came to an end. I hoped to post to this site more frequently but the semester got quite hectic. Overall, I had a great semester - socially and academically. Made tons of great memories with a lot of new people and I can't wait to get back to school to hang out with them some more. Academically I really impressed myself. Finished with a 3.64 GPA so I maintained my borderline 3.5 cutoff necessary for the 3+2 BSME/MBA program, to which I will be applying this upcoming semester. Merry Christmas to all, and have a great New Year. Hope to post again soon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Second day of class...

Started my sophomore design class today (as a junior, ME 263), looks like it is going to be my best class of the year. I will learn about product development and marketing situations which should reflect positively upon my current work for Medtric Biotech. Also started my measurement systems class (ME 365); not exactly sure what the course will cover but the professor seemed really interesting and was very excited to start teaching the course again.

For ME 263, we are faced with a scenario of designing a new product for a certain situation. Our goal this semester is to design a product to assist physically disabled persons in there daily routines and lives. My group hasn't figured out what we will design yet, but have decided to focus on lower body disabilities such as hip replacements, ankle, or knee injuries. We feel the market for this product will be very large, thus providing us the best chance of covering the costs of research and design. Our company name is actually pretty cool and I'm impressed - Mobile M.E., pronounced "mobile me," but with the M.E. standing for mechanical engineering. Pretty excited to start work in the class...

Monday, August 23, 2010


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess

First Post

Just had my first day of school of my junior year.  Looking forward to posting on here more often.  Got lots to share and catch up on.  Ill hit this thing back later when I got some more free time.